ELT Songs - the next hit genre
Here at TDD, we are huge fans of ELT, and ELT music specifically is our cup of tea. We pride ourselves on writing catchy melodies that you can’t stop singing and are happy to do so. However, we also know that there can be a fine line between ‘catchy’ and 'maddening’… For a long time, we have worked to combat this, combining modern production values and rising star talent to create pop smash hits that sound fresh and in keeping with what kids like to listen to. Perhaps the most difficult genre of ELT music is the starter levels - the toddler sing-a-longs - creating something children will enjoy singing whilst simultaneously learning English - and at the same time adults won't dread playing. A recent project of ours for the publishing company, Richmond, brought us some encouraging feedback: 'Oh my goodness! Some of these are genius! It never fails to amaze me that someone can make songs out of ELT lyrics. My three year old is now singing 'Dance to the family beat' all the time!' Thank you Richmond for such high praise! We are looking forward to creating many more songs you can't help but sing all day long.